OK! Finally some noteworthy news!
Sex Machineguns is back! With an all new lineup that will be announced on Oct. 26th, a new single which will be available by download only, called Jacky, coming out on Nov. 2nd!
I can't wait to hear this, and I'm always surprised by who Anchang can dig up for his totally rad band. These guys have real life heavy metal power!
Hora is coming out with a 2 disc album this November, I seem to really enjoy his stuff, more than Kaya's anyway I hope it's very industrial XD.
Girugamesh is going to be putting out a self titled album (first REAL album?) with 10 or 13 tracks depending on the version you buy. This one is coming on Dec. 26th. I have come to REALLY enjoy and respect this band so hopefully this album will kick some major ass.
And one of the most exciting things I've seen in a while; MACHINE is putting out a new single called Ooh Yeah, on November 21st! It seems like November is gonna be big this year~
I love MACHINE and I can't wait to see what kind of craziness they are gonna drop next.
I'll keep ya up to date~