I have been goddamned waiting for some new UnsraW, it's finally here and it's just what the metal doctor ordered. Honestly I've been getting tired of such weak music coming out.. Don't get me wrong I love the new Cali=Gari, 9Goats and a few other recent releases, they have been pretty good and I will write about them soon, but seriously.. once in a while I need my metal bone scratched nice and deep. AND FUKKEN UNSRAW TO THE RESCUE!
The new single "REBORN" which came out on the 23rd (yesterday) has 3 tracks, which is ideal for a single, and to boot all of the songs are original. Track 1 is called 'Nightmare' when I first heard it, at first I wasn't satisfied that it was heavy enough, but by the end of the track I was begging for more. The 2nd track is the title track called 'REBORN' and it's pretty intense, real classic sounding UnsraW, but it's more melodic than I was expecting.. Nice and heavy though. 3rd track is called 'Switch' it's more on the softer side, but at almost 5 minutes you can really start to get into it. This new single is such a breath of *blisteringly painful metal air* I freakin' want more RIGHT NOW!@!!
I'm super impressed, usually singles don't make much of an impact on me, but leave it to UnsraW to kick some ass and leave me bleeding on the floor. Obviously, today's BAND OF THE DAY is UnsraW with their title track off the 'REBORN' single.