This is the grand list.. Except for newer bands this is mainly what I like and/or listen to for the most part. I have most of the music released by almost all of these bands.
I havent been very impressed in the past few weeks by any new releases (although I've HEARD about a few worthwile ones.)
Acid, Acidman, Another Cell, Attack Haus, Aucifer, Auschvitz, BeaU, Berry, BIS, Blam Honey, Blast, Bluck-Tlick, Brahman, Blue-3, Buck-Tick, BUG, B'z, Cali=Gari, Calmando Qual, Celia'Xeno, Catchmonchy, D, Danger Gang, Das:Vasser, Deadman, Dead Pop Stars, Deathgaze, D'espairsRay Dir en grey, DJ Krush, Dolly, Dope Headz, Dragon Ash, Due le Quartz, Duel Jewel, Dustar-3, E.mu, Electric Eel Shock, ElDorado, Ellegarden, Exist+Trace, Facizm, Fatima, [FIGURE;], Gackt, Gekigakutai, Gilgamesh, Glay, Goatbed, GOZ VII, Gullet, Guitar Wolf, Guniw Tools/Nookicky/Shilfee and Tulip Corobockles, Guruguru Eigakan, Hanamuke, Heart, Heath, hide, High and Mighty Color, Hi-Standard, Hybrid-Zombiez Husking Bee, I.N.A. Iceman, J, Jakura, Je*Reviens, JILS, Jinkaku Radio, Kagrra , Kagerou, KANA, Kilhi+Ice, Kisaki (Project), Kozi, Kraidhearz, Kuroyume, Kuroyume, La'Cryma Christi, La'Mule, Lab. the basement, Laputa, Lastier, L'arc en Ciel, Lariene, Lunasea, Lynch., Machine, Malice Mizer, Marusa, Mebius, Melt Banana, Merii, Mirage, Moomin, Mortiis, MUCC, Nano, NOi'X, Onmyouza, Orange range, Penicillin, Peelander Z, Pierrot, Psycho le cemu, Porno Grafitti, Quruli, Ra:In Rentrer en Soi, Road of Major Rouage, Sadie, SADS, Sambomaster, Schwarz Stein, Sex Machineguns, Seikima II, SID, Soft-Ballet, Syndrome, Takui, The Black Mages, The Back horn, The Futures, The Piass, The Star Club, The Trax, The Zolge, Tokyo Jihen, Transtic Nerve, UnsraW, VAST, Velvet Eden, Vidoll, Viored, Wyse, X-Japan, Youjeen, Zeppet Store. (There's more too but i'm feeling lazy at the moment)
Well there's a few I dont particularly like but.. All of these bands have at least one song I enjoy.. I am also willing to share my collection to spread the Jrock love~! Wow a band for each letter of the alphabet too. hah.
I will also take requests for a discussion on a band, band bio, band history, or if anyone wants a review written I would be glad to think about it ;p